Tuesday, August 23, 2011


200 projects
this book told us to use our sketch books for everything almost like a journal. we need to stretch and work our artistic mussels. With what I read I think adding a few drawings to a portfolio from a sketch book almost dds a flare and shows what your personality is (maybe show both the portfolio and sketch book)
A contemporary Approach
This taks about the importense of geshure lines and sometimes drawing one single line to make a bigger picture.

I think both readings talk things Mrs.D has told us in the past and Mrs. D makes things seem more of an art form not just a small skill to have.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Geting lost in in all my ideas

Starting to finish up with the drawing that are needed and now Im starting to look at them all another time thinking "I could do this insted of what I did here". With all the ideas running Im starting to get alittle lost. Im trying to not 2nd guess myself but with the more I look at stuff the more I want to redue them and make them better.